Rootstocks for Vegetable Grafting

Rootstocks for vegetable grafting In this post we will know about the different rootstocks for vegetable grafting. What is a rootstock? A rootstock is a plant which is used in plant propagation such as grafting and budding. Basically it is the stem portion in a graftage or budded plant. For example, in a grafted tomato… Continue reading Rootstocks for Vegetable Grafting

Blanching in Cauliflower

Blanching in cauliflower plants The early sowing of cauliflower varieties (early in the season) at high temperature generally have the tendency to keep their leaves open. These plants do not cover the curds during its formation. Many varieties do not cover the curds after its formation. Due to this the curds become yellowish in colour… Continue reading Blanching in Cauliflower

Preparation of Tomato Nursery in Net House

Preparation of tomato nursery inside net house Key points Tomato cultivation in glasshouse/greenhouse Raising of seedling Preparation of growing media Germination of seeds Preparation of tomato seedling beds Also read: Growing Tomato, Brinjal and Chilli in Low Temperature Steps in preparation of tomato nursery inside net house Preparation of growing media Making seedbeds Sowing seeds… Continue reading Preparation of Tomato Nursery in Net House

Benefits of Vegetable Grafting

Different benefits of vegetable grafting Why to graft a vegetable plant such as brinjal, tomato or chilli? What are the importance of vegetable grafting? In this post we will know about the benefits of vegetable grafting. Introduction What is grafting? Grafting is a horticultural or agroforestry practice in which two parts of two different plants… Continue reading Benefits of Vegetable Grafting

Brinjal Aphid: Symptoms of Damage and Management

Brinjal aphid: A Harmful Pest of Eggplant Brinjal aphid: Symptoms of damage and control measures What is aphid? Aphid is a small and soft bodied insect from the family aphidideae. It is a sap sucking insect. About aphid of eggplant (brinjal) Scientific name Aphis gosypii and Myzus persicae Common name Cotton aphid (कपास का माहो)… Continue reading Brinjal Aphid: Symptoms of Damage and Management

Potato Physiological Disorders

Potato physiological disorders What is potato physiological disorder? Potato physiological disorders are non-biological abnormality of potato tubers. In this post we will know about the cause, symptom, and control of 9 physiological disorders of potato. List of physiological disorders of potato (1). Black heart of potato (2). Greening of potato tuber (3). Sweeting of potato… Continue reading Potato Physiological Disorders

Cause of Whiptail in Cauliflower

Cause of Whip tail in Cauliflower Question: What is the cause of Whiptail in Cauliflower? (a). Iron deficiency.(b). Deficiency of molybdenum.(c). Boron deficiency.(d). Deficiency of zinc. Answer: The cause of whiptail in cauliflower is the deficiency of molybdenum. It is a physiological disorder in cauliflower. Leaves are affected. Severe in acidic soil. Sodium molybdate is… Continue reading Cause of Whiptail in Cauliflower

Chromosome (2n) number of different vegetable crops

Chromosome (2n) number of different vegetable crops Index: Chromosome number of vegetable crops S. No. Heading(s) 1. What is it? 2. What is chromosome number? 3. Why is it necessary to know about the 2n of different vegetable plant-crops? 4. Table: Chromosome Number of Different Vegetable Plants 1. What is chromosome? According to Wikipedia “A chromosome is… Continue reading Chromosome (2n) number of different vegetable crops

Determinate and Semi-determinate Varieties of Tomato

Main Article: Determinate, Semi-determinate and Indeterminate Varieties of Tomatoes In this post will know about varieties of tomato wit Determinate, Semi-determinate and the Indeterminate growth habit. Index S. No. List of contents 1. Tomato: General Information 2. Determinate Varieties of Tomato 3. Semi-determinate Varieties of Tomato 4. Indeterminate Varieties of Tomato 5. Other Facts 1.… Continue reading Determinate and Semi-determinate Varieties of Tomato