MCQ On Agricultural Science For UG Students

MCQ Agricultural Science For UG Students

Also read: General Agriculture MCQ: Multiple Choice Questions

MCQ on Agricultural Science

Question 01. In mixed farming, the contribution of livestock to gross farm income is

(a). At least 10 percent
(b). At least 30 percent
(c). At least 49 percent
(d). More than 50 percent

Question 02. The principle of equi-marginal return states that the profits will be the greatest if unit resources are used where

(a). Average returns are the highest
(b). Marginal returns are the highest
(c). Total returns are the highest
(d). Net returns are the highest

Question 03. The term operational holding refers to the

(a). Land area owned by a farmer
(b). Area cultivated by a farmer
(c). Net land area cultivated by a farmer
(d). None of the above

Question 04. Which one of the following is the example of parallel intercroping?

(a). Sugarcane + Potato
(b). Maize + Soybean
(c). Potato + Mustard
(d). None of the above

Question 05. Which one of the following gene was utilised in the production of high protein composites in maize?

(a). Norin
(b). Dee zee woo zen
(c). Rht-1
(d). Opaque-2

B. Sc. Agri. Questions

Question 06. Sugarcane content shall be highest if the refractrometer reading is

(a). 10-15
(b). 20
(c). 17-18
(d). 25-30

Question 07. Extension education focuses on development of

(a). A family
(b). A social group
(c). A community
(d). A family

Question 08. Planting of succeeding crop before harvest of standing crop is known as

(a). Mixed crop
(b). Multiple cropping
(c). Relay crop
(d). Intercropping

Question 09. Where is CFTRI is situated?

(a). New Delhi
(b). Lucknow
(c). Mysore
(d). None of the above

Question 10. Which one is the very common green manure in India?

(a). Lentil
(b). Dhaincha
(c). Cow pea
(d). Loabia

Quiz for B. Sc. Ag. Students

Question 11. Deficiency of which of the following element causes general yellowing and poor growth of plant?

(a). Nitrogen
(b). Phosphorus
(c). Iron
(d). Boron

Question 12. Subsistence farming is characterised by

(a). Can hire large number of labourers
(b). Enough surplus for sale
(c). Distress sale
(d). The resource structure is rich

Question 13. What is the SAR of alkali soil?

(a). More than 15
(b). More than 13
(c). Less than 13
(d). None of the above

Question 14. Which is not a system of farming?

(a). State farming
(b). Collective farming
(c). Both a and b
(d). Dry farming

Question 15. How many stamens does a paddy have?

(a). 5 stamens
(b). 6 stamens
(c). 7 stamens
(d). 4 stamens

General agriculture mcq

Question 16. The translocation of sugars from source to sink takes place through

(a). Sieve tube of the pholem
(b). Xylem vessels
(c). Both a and b
(d). Companian cells

Question 17. Which one of the following is a growth retardant?

(a). 2, 4, 5 – T
(b). Cycocel
(c). CEPA
(d). TIBA

Question 18. Dehaulming in potato is due to

(a). Quality seed tuber
(b). Higher yield
(c). Higher starch content
(d). Higher protein content

Question 19. A farmer is to select a herbicide for controlling Cyperus spp. and dicot weeds on his sugarcane crop. The crop is followed, after it soon, dhaincha in the kharif and lentils in the rabi. In this case, what would be the herbicide of choice?

(a). Dalapon
(b). 2, 4-D
(c). Atrazine
(d). Diuron

Question 20. Which one of the following sets of conditions is more suitable for plant growth?

(a). Sandy soil with high aeration and low water holding capacity
(b). Clay with high water holding capacity and low aeration
(c). Organic soil with high water holding capacity and low aeration
(d). Loamy soils with medium aeration and medium water holding capacity

Quiz on crop agriculture

Question 21. If a farmer practices sugarcane-cotton-wheat, the cropping intensity at his farm will be

(a). 150%
(b). 100%
(c). 400%
(d). 300%

Question 22. What should be the LER for getting 10% advantage?

(a). 1
(b). 0.9
(c). 1.1
(d). 110

Question 23. Where is the Central Agmark lab located?

(a). Mumbai
(b). Kolkata
(c). Nagpur
(d). Bangalore

Question 24. The farm plan would be based on the availability of efficiency of various factors of production?

(a). False
(b). Partially false
(c). True
(d). Partially true

Question 25. When marginal product is increasing at increasing rate then

(a). Total product increase at a decreasing rate
(b). Total product increase at a increasing rate
(c). Total product decrease at a decreasing rate
(d). Total product decrease at a increasing rate

Agricultural economics

Also read: Agricultural Economics Multiple Choice Questions

Question 26. Under Product-Product relationship, if a farmer is producing v1 and v2 products under non-optional condition, that is, for the most profitable combination of y1 & y2, he should be

(a). Increase the output of y1
(b). Increase the output of y2
(c). Increase the output of y1 and y2
(d). Decrease the output of y1 and y2

Question 27. Which one of the following principles will be applicable when a farmer is faced with problem of purchase of heifers versus milk cow on hi dairy farm?

(a). Cost principle
(b). Opportunity cost principle
(c). Comparative advantage principle
(d). Time comparison principle

Question 28. At a particular point on a Neo-classical Production Function graph, the magnitudes of TPP, APP, and MPP are 18, 6 and 7 respectively. What would be the Ep (elasticity of production) at this point?

(a). 1.16
(b). 2.65
(c). 3
(d). 0.75

Question 29. Which is a tool for cutting and modifying the genome during the repair process?

(a). Zinc finger nuclease
(b). TALENs
(c). CRISPR/Cas
(d). All of the above

Question 30. What is the full form of ODM?

(a). Oligonucleotide Directed Mutagenesis
(b). Oligonucleotide Deviation Mutagenesis
(c). Oligonucleotide Directed Mutation
(d). Oligonucleotide Deviation Mutation


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